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Hearing Aids: Three Important Tips for Minimising Your Discomfort

Hearing aids are effective devices for the management of different types of hearing loss. These units change and amplify sounds, allowing an individual with auditory limitations to hear clearly. However, the use of hearing aids can be a little uncomfortable during the initial period. Numerous patients struggle with the transition, and the difficult change can lead to a lack of compliance. However, you can overcome the challenge and enjoy the benefits of hearing aids. Here are simple tips to get you started on the transition.

Schedule Your Usage The first step for new hearing aids users is getting used to the feeling of the device in the ears. In general, it is advisable to schedule your usage until the units are comfortable enough for continuous use. The goal of building up the period of use over time is to avoid being overwhelmed by the change. When you get your hearing aids, wear them for about an hour on the first day. Then, increase the period slowly as you get more comfortable. For optimal comfort, choose a quiet spot for using them before moving on to noisier environments.

Practise Listening You will need to practise listening with your hearing aids. Sounds can be a little startling at first, and they might not sound as expected. Moreover, most people might be uncomfortable with the sound of their own voices. Therefore, you will need to get used to the unfamiliar auditory input. Begin your practice by listening to yourself talk. You can read aloud to get used to your voice. Also, listen to the noise in your house and try to recognise each sound. Additionally, engage family members and friends in the process before going out to the outside world.

Plan for Maintenance Poorly maintained hearing aids will cause unnecessary discomfort, making the experience more challenging. Therefore, you should learn about the right techniques for caring for your hearing aids. Your auditory consultant will provide you with care instructions to ensure good performance. Follow the guidelines and avoid actions that could cause damage. The most critical care task is protecting the hearing aids from damaging external factors. Prevent the exposure of your devices to heat and water by storing them in a protective case when not in use. Also, clean the hearing aids regularly. Additionally, replace batteries as recommended. Finally, monitor the performance of the hearing aids. If you experience pain or cannot get used to the sounds, consult your auditory specialist for a check-up or device fine-tuning. 

For more information on hearing aids, contact a company near you.